Effect of food an appearance of ovaries cysts its relation with some variable factors in women at age 15-54 years in Baghdad – city

Effect of food an appearance of ovaries cysts its relation with some variable factors in women at age 15-54 years in Baghdad – city


  • Fatima FaQ Juma


Food, Ovaries cysts, Obesity.


This study aimed to kmow the effect of food on appearance of ovaries cyst in women aged 15-54 year in Baghdad. City and its relation ship with reproductive health Woman samples was divided to four aged groups;15-24 , 25-34 , 35-44 and 45-54 years.
Results demonstrate that all samples of women has varied level of obesity.
Also we are noticed that all samples of women has varied level of obesity.
Also we are noticed tgat is a relation ship between obesity and marriagestatas with the highest proportion of ovarian cystsin obese marriage woman reached to37.90% The percent of un married women which have obesity class // with ovarian cysts reached50% Results refer to found that %19-24 of married women had obortians and 48,33%had cases of delayed pregnaucy.
The diet of all groups of women was un balanced diet Also Result showed that the level of estrogen hormone in all blood samples of women averaged between 600-800 and this no very high.


Author Biography

  • Fatima FaQ Juma

    Department of Home Economic
    College of Education for Women
    University of Baghdad




How to Cite

Effect of food an appearance of ovaries cysts its relation with some variable factors in women at age 15-54 years in Baghdad – city: Effect of food an appearance of ovaries cysts its relation with some variable factors in women at age 15-54 years in Baghdad – city. (2016). Iraqi Journal of Market Research and Consumer Protection, 8(1), 148-174. https://jmracpc.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/IJMRCP/article/view/66