Consumer protection in e-marketing contracts An analytical study.

Consumer protection in e-marketing contracts An analytical study.


  • سالم محمد عبود


protection, Consumer, e-marketing contracts, marketing, contract electronic.


Marketing plays a role in the transfer of consumer desires through research, studies and satisfy the needs process, and with the technical development has evolved and marketing departments in the world of commerce has made great strides since the expansion of the trade deal, especially in light of spread of the Internet and the culture of use where he became a lot as individuals or institutions are dealings via electronic shopping . In all cases, we find that the consumer is important party, and that the legal rules did not leave the shopping process or contracting E without protection and I've dealt with so many studies through the civil protection for the consumer in electronic contracts legally with an analytical study of the Iraqi lawmaker and some models of the Arab countries.

Author Biography

  • سالم محمد عبود

    Center for Market Research and Consumer Protection

    University of Baghdad



How to Cite

Consumer protection in e-marketing contracts An analytical study.: Consumer protection in e-marketing contracts An analytical study. (2015). Iraqi Journal of Market Research and Consumer Protection, 7(1), 49-79.