Isolate and diagnose Mycotoxins associated with some producers of Indomie and Chips that available in local markets

Isolate and diagnose Mycotoxins associated with some producers of Indomie and Chips that available in local markets


  • Halima Z. Hussein
  • Amna M. Ali
  • Marwa Saadi Mohammed
  • Mostapha J. Hamadi


: Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium Spp., AFB1, DON, Indomie, Chips.


This study aimed to survey fungi associated with the product Indomie and Chips being the trades Iargely by a very important segment of society who are the children, beside consumed by adults, but less so, as the survey results to accompany some fungui samples sterile showed proportions presence included various fungi like. Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium Spp., Fusarium graminearum, F.moniliforme, Alternaria alternate and Rhizopus Spp., and other fungi sterile are not diagnosed. The results showed large dominion fungi A. niger by presence sterile samples of both producers, followed by infection in Fusarium Spp., Penicillium Spp., and A. alternata by infection percentage 55, 20 and 17% respectively for the product sterile Indomie, valuable when the infection A. flavus, Penicillium Spp., and A. alternata 43, 25 and 12% respectively for sterile product chips. As shown test results ELISA ability of some isolates to produce toxin DON and AFB1 at the rice medium, They are hazardous to human health and animal toxins was fungus Fusarium Spp. Product toxin DON concentrations ranged 13.2-134.5 µg/kg while the fungus A. flavus toxin producing aflatoxin B1 concentrations ranged 14.3-115 µg/kg.

Author Biographies

  • Halima Z. Hussein

    College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad.

  • Amna M. Ali

    Collage of Basic Education, University of Al-Mustansaria.

  • Marwa Saadi Mohammed

    College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad.

  • Mostapha J. Hamadi

    College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad.



How to Cite

Isolate and diagnose Mycotoxins associated with some producers of Indomie and Chips that available in local markets: Isolate and diagnose Mycotoxins associated with some producers of Indomie and Chips that available in local markets. (2016). Iraqi Journal of Market Research and Consumer Protection, 8(1), 16-26.